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Letra Música Losing – Vintage Culture

We spend our nights apart
You could cut this tension
With a knife
I’m tired ‘cause I don’t sleep at night
I’m worried that we won’t have time
To live the love that burns inside
But I never felt better, never felt better
I swear I never felt better, never felt better
But I’ve been losing sleep
For days and weeks
And everything in-between
I, I, I feel it
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m
We spend our nights apart

You could cut this tension
With a knife
I’m tired ‘cause I don’t sleep at night
I’m worried that we won’t have time
To live the love that burns inside
But I never felt better, never felt better
I swear I never felt better, never felt better
But I’ve been losing sleep
For days and weeks
And everything in-between
I, I, I feel it

I, I, I feel it
Never felt better, never felt better
I swear I never felt better, never felt better
And I never felt better, never felt better
I swear I never felt better, never felt better
I’ve been losing sleep
For days and weeks
And everything in-between
I, I, I feel it lying

I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m dying, but I’m lying
I swear I’m-Vintage Culture – Losing – Ouvir Música

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