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Letra Música fault in the stars (feat. Powfu) – The Chainsmokers

I’ll send the text tellin’ you: Sleep tight
Wish I was with you, not workin’ these nights
Class in the morning I hear you leave
Seems like I don’t see you
Feels like we don’t speak
Yeah, we don’t wanna waste another weekend
When Friday hits we’re jumpin’ in the deep end
Music and movies, we’re hittin’ drive-throughs
Life feels like a breeze when I’m beside you
Don’t double jump, your lips taste like bubble-gum
In a new world, new renaissance
When birds chirp, I’ll tell ‘em off for you
Caught lightning in a bottle, you’re making me proud
But I’ll keep it down

And take it at your tempo, ah-ah-ah
Quedamos adentro, ah-ah-ah
Estoy ok con lento, ah-ah-ah
Find the fault in the stars, but there’s none where we are
Take it at your tempo, ah-ah-ah
Quedamos adentro, ah-ah-ah
Estoy ok con lento, ah-ah-ah
Find the fault in the stars, but there’s none where we are

Night falls, find a hideaway
Time stalls, let you light the way
Rain beats down in front of us
Last girl walked off, left me empty

And even you
Know how you move
Tell you to the truth
There’s not a minute that I’m not amused

You’re good girl, don’t double jump
Your lips taste like bubble-gum
In a new world, new renaissance
When birds chirp, I’ll tell ‘em off for you
Caught lightning in a bottle, you’re making me proud
But I’ll keep it down

And take it at your tempo, ah-ah-ah
Quedamos adentro, ah-ah-ah
Estoy ok con lento, ah-ah-ah
Find the fault in the stars, but there’s none where we are
Take it at your tempo, ah-ah-ah
Quedamos adentro, ah-ah-ah
Estoy ok con lento, ah-ah-ah
Find the fault in the stars, but there’s none where we areThe Chainsmokers – fault in the stars (feat. Powfu) – Ouvir Música

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