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Letra Música Sugar (feat. Francesco Yates) – Robin Schulz

She got cherry lips, angel eyes
She knows exactly how to tantalize
She’s out to get you, danger by design
Cold blooded vixen, she don’t compromise
She’s something mystical in colored lights
So far from typical, but take my advice
Before you play with fire, do think twice
And if you get burned, don’t be surprised

Got me lifted, drifted higher than the ceiling
And ooh baby it’s the ultimate feeling
You’ve got me lifted feeling so gifted
Sugar, how you get so fly?

Sugar, how you get so fly?
But sugar, how you get so fly?
But sugar, sugar, how you get so fly?
Sugar, how you get so fly?

Sweet talkin’ lady
Love how you entice
Sugar, with just the right, amount of spice
Charming alluring , everyone’s desire
She’s out to get you, you can’t run, you can’t hide

She’s something mystical in colored lights
So far from typical, but take my advice
Before you play with fire, do think twice
And if you get burned well baby don’t be surprised

Got me lifted, drifted higher than the ceiling
And ooh baby it’s the ultimate feeling
You’ve got me lifted feeling so gifted
Sugar, how you get so fly?

Sugar, how you get so fly?
Ooh, sugar, how you get so fly?
Said sugar, sugar, how you get so fly?

But you won’t get me tonight

Got me lifted, drifted higher than the ceiling
And ooh baby it’s the ultimate feeling
You’ve got me lifted feeling so gifted
Sugar, how you get so fly?

Sugar, how you get so fly?
Sugar, how you get so fly?
Ooh, sugar, sugar, how you get so fly?
Sugar, how you get so fly
But you won’t get me tonightRobin Schulz – Sugar (feat. Francesco Yates) – Ouvir Música

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