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Letra Música Shine On – Rio

Open up ya eyes and watch the sunrise
One part of me I’ve been made clear
Love that goes spread all the world, you know
Me love ya comes out of devotion
To rule ya spread to the world
In strange town I’m on my mission
Where we praise the day straight our way
All the nation
Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
Let me be your rainbow rising on
Every single race out of space
Will Shine on, shine on!

Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
I wanna be your love light from above
Shine on, shine on, shine on!

Me love ya comes out of devotion
To rule ya spread to the world
In strange town I’m on my mission
Where we praise the day straight our way
All the nation

Everybody listen

Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
Let me be your rainbow rising on
Every single race out of space
Will Shine on, shine on!

Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
I wanna be your love light from above
Shine on, shine on, shine on!

Let the sunshine down on your face
No need to feel wrong, you’re in the right place
And me know that you feel what we are gonna tell you now
So gather all your friends around and
Come join me down the club, got the song and go move you
So prove you’re right, so feel it tonight now

Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
Let me be your rainbow rising on
Every single race out of space
Will Shine on, shine on!

Let me be the love that comes from the Sun
I wanna be your love light from above
Shine on, shine on, shine on!

All over the worldRio – Shine On – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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