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Letra Música Feel This Moment (feat. Christina Aguilera) – Pitbull

Ask for money, and get advice
Ask for advice, get money twice
I’m from the dirty, but that chico nice
Y’all call it a moment, I call it life
One day when the light is glowing
I’ll be in my castle golden
But until the gates are open
I just wanna feel this moment

Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment

Mr. Worldwide
Christina Aguilera
Oye, mamita, come on
Dale, que la cosa está rica
(I just wanna feel this moment)

Feel this moment
Reporting live, from the tallest building in Tokyo
Long ways from the hard ways
Filled with Zoes and oye’s
Dade county always, 305 all day

Now, baby, we can party, oh, baby we can party
She read books, especially about red rooms and tie-ups
I got her hooked, ‘cause she see me in a suit with the red tie tied up
Christian Gris, nice to meet ya, but time is money
Only difference is I own it, now let’s stop time and enjoy this moment

One day when the light is glowing
I’ll be in my castle golden
But until the gates are open
I just wanna feel this moment

Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment

Feel this moment
I see the future, but live for the moment, make sense, don’t it?
Now make dollars, I mean billions, I’m a genius, I mean brilliant
The streets are what schooled him
And made him slicker than slick, Rick the ruler
I’ve lost a lot, and learned a lot
But I’m still undefeated, like Shula

I’m far from cheap, I break down companies with all my peeps
Baby, we can travel the world
And I can give you and all you can see
Time is money
Only difference is I own it, like a stop watch
Let’s stop time and enjoy this moment, dale

One day when the light is glowing
I’ll be in my castle golden
But until the gates are open
I just wanna feel this moment

Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment

Come on, feel this moment

Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this momentPitbull – Feel This Moment (feat. Christina Aguilera) – Ouvir Música

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