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Letra Música Tell It To My Heart (feat. Hozier) – MEDUZA

I can’t work you out
Are you thinking ‘bout something better?
Holding onto you while you drag me through stormy weather
The only time you smile is in the photographs
And when I pull you close it’s like you’re holding back
Before we turn to strangers tryna love in the dark
Tell it to my heart
‘Cause I can’t keep guessing if it’s me you’re missing
Tell it to my heart
‘Cause the sound of silence is a place we’re dying

Tell it to my heart, heart
Tell it to my heart, hеart

Tell it to my heart
‘Cause I can’t keep guеssing if it’s me you’re missing
Tell it to my heart
‘Cause the sound of silence is a place we’re dying
Tell it to my heart

Before a light goes out
Come and tell me now if something’s fading
‘Cause I can feel it in every single thing that you’re not saying
You move close to me but I can feel a space
Whatever time we have I’m not gonna waste
Before we turn to strangers tryna love in the dark

Tell it to my heart
‘Cause I can’t keep guessing if it’s me you’re missing
Tell it to my heart
‘Cause the sound of silence

Tell it to my heart, heart
Tell it to my heart, heart

Tell it to my heart
‘Cause I can’t keep guessing if it’s me you’re missing
Tell it to my heart
‘Cause the sound of silence is a place we’re dying
Tell it to my heartMEDUZA – Tell It To My Heart (feat. Hozier) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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