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Letra Música Summer Days (feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump) – Martin Garrix

[Patrick Stump]
I got this feeling on a summer day
Knew it when I saw her face
I just thought that she could be the one
She looks good in the morning
And she don’t even know it
I don’t want you to go yet
Can we stay in the moment?

Don’t look in the mirror, look into my eyes
When you see your reflection, you’ll see what I like
You look good in the morning
And you don’t even know it
I knew that

I got this feeling on a summer day
Knew it when I saw her face
I just thought that she could be the one
I got this feeling on a summer day
Knew it when I saw her face
I just thought that she could be the one

Sundress with you on my arm
Take the coupe out the garage
Pull the roof back just me, you and the stars
Toast to the Gods
She’s the one, a masterpiece
She a drug got a fast release
Got me sprung wrapped in sheets
Wake up, fuck, and then we going back to sleep

Me and you on an island
With the ocean color stuck in your iris
We’re comfortable in silence
But I prefer when we wilding
Sundress, nothing underneath as we undress
You could look in my eyes see I’m some mess
Couple of broken people
Trying to complete each other
Under one breath

[Patrick Stump]
Don’t look in the mirror look into my eyes
When you see your reflection you’ll see what I like
You look good in the morning
And you don’t even know it
I knew that

I got this feeling on a summer day
Knew it when I saw her face
I just thought that she could be the one
I got this feeling on a summer day
Knew it when I saw her face
I just thought that she could be the one

She could be the oneMartin Garrix – Summer Days (feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump) – Ouvir Música

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