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Letra Música Stranger Things (feat. OneRepublic) – Kygo

Stranger things
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we are
We used to run around this ghost town
Always thinking out loud
Are we gonna get out
I remember
We dream of places that we could go
Castles with the strange glow
People that we don’t know
I remember

We left the light
That’s ordinary from the start
We look for stranger things
‘Cause that’s just who we are
Found me the edges something beautiful and loud
Like I’m picturing now

Castles glitter under Spanish skies
But I’m just looking after you tonight
Snow and mountain to the foreign state
Tell me someday we’ll get there

I see a Technicolor shadow
Underneath your window
Just in case you don’t know
I can see it
You cast among an unfamiliar day glow
Different than what I know
Shining like a halo
I can feel it

We turned our back
That’s ordinary from the start
We look for stranger things
‘Cause that’s just who we are
Found me the edges something beautiful and loud
Show me the sky falling down

Castles glitter under Spanish skies
But I’m just looking after you tonight
Snow and mountain to the ancient place
Tell me someday we’ll get together
Oh oh
Oh oh

A stranger things
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we are
A stranger things (very far)
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we are

A stranger things
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we are
A stranger things
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we are

A stranger things
We’re like, we’re like a stranger things (very far)
We’re stranger things (dream of places at)
Cause that’s just who we areKygo – Stranger Things (feat. OneRepublic) – Ouvir Música

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