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Letra Música Wake Up – EDEN

‘Cause we’ve been driving so long
I can’t remember how we got here
Or how we survived so long
I’m tryna run from our pride
Till you set fire to my atmosphere
And I remember how I spent the 23rd
Feeling six feet under
When I’m 30, 000 feet in the air
Chasing that sundown
So far east I’m westbound
Feeling like the edge of this world is near
But you’ll feel better when you wake up
Swear to God I’ll make up
Everything and more when I get back someday
This is more than just a phase, love
Shooting stars all break up
And even though it seems like half the world away

Things will be better in America
Heard the streets are gold there
Maybe I can fly you out this place someday
Chasing dreams like I’m on Novocain
Screaming through your airways
Looking back I almost thought I heard you say

Stay, you’re not gonna leave me
This place is right where you need to be
And why your words gotta mean so much to them
And they mean nothing to me
So stay, you’re not what you’re hearing
‘Cause I’ve been watching you changing
And who said you’re one in a million anyway?

‘Cause you see only what you want to
Your tunnel vision owns you
And you can’t see what’s wrong
When you keep sleeping through the PM
Eyes wide open when you’re dreaming
You’re sleepwalking, just keep talking
And maybe you can talk your way out of this deep end
No b plan in your system
Just tell me what you’re thinking
I’m scared that you might fall

But you’re not
But you’re not

And you’ll feel better when you wake up
Taking off your makeup
Sun always seems to wash our fears away
And it’s always shining somewhere
I just gotta get there
And even though it seems like half the world away

Things are better in America
Heard the streets are gold there
Maybe I can fly you out this place someday
Chasing dreams like I’m on Novocain
Screaming through your airways
Looking back I almost thought I heard you say

Stay, you’re not gonna leave me
This place is right where you need to be
And why your words gotta mean so much to them?
When they mean nothing to me
So stay, you’re not what you’re hearing
‘Cause I’ve been watching you changing
And who said you’re one in a million

You’re so much better than that
You’re so much better than that
You’re so much better than that

Stay, you’re not what you’re hearing
‘Cause I’ve been watching you changing
And who said you’re one in a million anyway?

And you’ll feel better when you wake up
Swear to God I’ll make up
Everything or more when I get back someday
Chasing dreams like I’m on Novocain
Screaming through your airways
Looking back I almost thought I heard you say

You’re so much better than thatEDEN – Wake Up – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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