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Letra Música Who’s That Chick? (feat. Rihanna) – David Guetta

Feel the adrenaline moving under my skin
It’s an addiction, such an eruption
Sound is my remedy, feeding me energy
Music is all I need
Baby, I just wanna dance
I don’t really care
I just wanna dance
I don’t really care, care, care
(You can feel it in the air, yeah)

She’s been a crazy Dita
Disco diva and you wonder
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Too cold for you to keep her
Too hot for you to leave her
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?

Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?

Back on the dance floor, bad enough tô take me home
Bass kicking so hard, blazing through my beating heart
French kissing on the floor, heart is beating hardcore
Heard everybody is getting a little sexy off the Crazy Juice
This will end up on the news

Baby, I just wanna dance
I don’t really care
I just wanna dance
I don’t really care, care, care
(You can feel it in the air, yeah)

She’s been a crazy Dita
Disco diva and you wonder
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Too cold for you to keep her
Too hot for you to leave her
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?

Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?

Ultra sexual
The night has got me love sprung
I won’t stop until the Sun is up, oh, yeah
My heart is a dancer, beating like a disco drum

Ultra sexual
The night has got me love sprung
I won’t stop until the Sun is up, oh, yeah
My heart is a dancer, beating like a disco drum
Beating like a disco drum (beating like a disco drum)
Beating like a disco drum

She’s been a crazy Dita
Disco diva and you wonder
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Too cold for you to keep her
Too hot for you to leave her
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?

Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?
Who’s that chick? Who’s that chick?David Guetta – Who’s That Chick? (feat. Rihanna) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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