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Letra Música Play Hard (feat. Ne-Yo & Akon) – David Guetta

Come on, baby, and drop this
Scrub that floor and just mop it
Show these gangsters how you pop lock it
Don’t care what you got in your pocket
I get the way that you rockin’
Flip that thang thang don’t stop it
When I just bang bang and pop it
While the club crowded just watch you (work it out)
Got a gang of cash, and it’s going all on the bar (now work it out)
And it’s going fast, ‘cause I feel like a superstar (now work it out)
And you may not have it, I might just broke the law (now work it out)
It’s your time to grab it, now make this whole thing yours (now work it out)

Hey, said a hustler’s work is never through
We makin’ it, ‘cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it’s the only thing we know how to do

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your job

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your job

Yes, I’m fresh-to-death lookin’ plush
Ladies can’t get enough
Got my fitness, I’m looking buff
And all my people with me, I trust
Holdin’ down for my city
If they askin’ you, I’m not guilty
All the thing that I’m guilty of is making you rock with me (work it out)

Got a gang of cash, and it’s going all on the bar (now work it out)
And it’s going fast, ‘cause I feel like a superstar (now work it out)
And you may not have it, I might just broke the law (now work it out)
It’s your turn to grab it, now make this whole thing yours (now work it out)

Hey, said a hustler’s work is never through
We makin’ it, ‘cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it’s the only thing we know how to do

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your job

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your job

Hey, said a hustler’s work is never through
We makin’ it, ‘cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it’s the only thing we know how to do

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your job

Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin’ like it’s your jobDavid Guetta – Play Hard (feat. Ne-Yo & Akon) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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