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Letra Música Real Love (feat. Jess Glyne) – Clean Bandit

Oh, you’ve got the feeling that I wanna feel
Oh, you’ve got the feeling that I know is real
It’s in the way you look, it’s in the way you love
And I can see that this is real
It’s in the way you talk, it’s in the way you touch
And I can see
This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love

Oh, before you I was searching for a rarity
Oh, you showed me things I never thought that I would see
It’s in the way you look, it’s in the way you love
And I can see that this is real
It’s in the way you talk, it’s in the way you touch
And I can see

This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love

Time won’t waste, and we just learn
To take it slow and wait out turn
Held my breath, cause I believe
That you’ll find me

This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love

This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real loveClean Bandit – Real Love (feat. Jess Glyne) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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