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Letra Música Many Times (feat. Mathame & Frynn) – CamelPhat

Oh, oh-o-oh
Anxiety lures me like an enemy
No hiding when it comes for me
Creeping up inside

You show your love and I fake it
You gave your heart and I break it
These games we play, I’ve lost you many times
Ooh, oh-o-oh

Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh

One of these days, something will break inside
We’ve been here before, I know we won’t survive
And everything that thought was true
Was truly just a lie

Wasn’t amazed with only one way out
A clean cut away, I’m gonna leave without you
Time and time I lose the game
And I don’t wanna play

Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
You show your love and I fake it
You gave your heart and I break it
These games we play, I’ve lost you many times

Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh

You show your love and I fake it
You gave your heart and I break it
These games we play, I’ve lost you many times
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-oh
Ooh, oh-o-ohCamelPhat – Many Times (feat. Mathame & Frynn) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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