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Letra Música RITMO (Bad Boys For Life) (feat. J Balvin) – Black Eyed Peas

This is the rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm
This is the rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm
This is the rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm of the night
Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, extremo
Extremo, extremo, extremo (ritmo)

No son ni Reebook ni son Nike (no)
Sin estilista luzco fly (yes)
La Rosalía me dice que luzco guay (la Rosalía)
No te lo niego porque yo sé lo que hay

Lo que se ve, no se pregunta (na’)
Soy prospero y tengo claro que es mi culpa (es mi culpa, culpa)
Como Canelo en el ring, nada me asusta
Vivo en mi base y la paz no me la tumban

Hakuna Matata, como Timón y Pumba
Voy pa’ leyenda, así que dale zumba
Los dejo ciego’ con la vibra que me alumbra
Haters pa’ la tumba, nosotros pa’ la rumba

This is the rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm of the night

Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, extremo
Extremo, extremo, extremo (ritmo)

The rhythm, the rebels
Styles upon styles upon styles, I got several
Born to be rockin’ ‘cause I live like a dead devil
Live it up, hit ‘em up, that’s the scenario (2Pac)

I get around like a merry go (rooftop)
I am on top of the pedestal (flu shot)
I am so sick I need medical (who thought?)
I learned that shit down in Mexico

The rhythm, the rebel
New and improved I be on a new level (oh, yeah)
That’s how we do it, we buildin’ like LEGOs (oh, yeah)
Feel on the fire, you dealin’ with fuego

(Can’t stop) I am addicted I never quit
(Won’t stop) don’t hit your speech, no therapist
(No stop) keepin’ it movin’s the narrative
(Nonstop) do it like woo, there it is

This is the rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm of the night

Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Toda la noche rompemo’ (of the night)
Al otro día volvemo’ (oh, yeah)
Tú sabes cómo lo hacemo’, baby
(This is the rhythm of the night)

Baby, tonight’s like fuego (of the night)
We ‘bout to spend the dinero (oh, yeah)
We party to the extremo, extremo
Extremo, extremo, extremo (ritmo)

You like that space?Black Eyed Peas – RITMO (Bad Boys For Life) (feat. J Balvin) – Ouvir Música

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