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Letra Música Just Can’t Get Enough – Black Eyed Peas

Boy, I think about it every night and day
I’m addicted, wanna jam inside your love
I wouldn’t wanna have it any other way
I’m addicted and I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough

Honey got a sexy on steamin’
She givin’ hotness a new meanin’
Perfection, mami, you gleamin’
Inception, you got a brother dreamin’, dreamin’

Damn, baby, I’m feignin’
I’m tryna holla at you, I’m screamin’
Let me love you down this evenin’

Lovie lovie, yeah, you know you are my demon

Girl, we can form a team, and
I could be the king, you could be the queen and
My mind’s dirty and it don’t need cleanin’
I love you long time, so you know the meanin’

Oh, baby, I can’t come down, so, please, come help me out
You got me feeling high, and I can’t step off the cloud
And I just can’t get enough

Boy, I think about it every night and day
I’m addicted, wanna jam inside your love
I wouldn’t wanna have it any other way
I’m addicted and I just can’t get enough

I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough
I just can’t get enough

Honey got me runnin’ like I’m flo Jo
Signs her name on my heart with an X-O
Love so sweet got me vexed though
I wanna wish it right back like presto, yes

Meantime, I wait for the next time
She come around for a toast to the best time
We LOL back and forth on the text line
She got me fishin’ for her love, I confess I’m

Something ‘bout her smile and that convo
Got me high and I ain’t comin’ down yo
My heart’s pumpin’ out louder than electro
She got me feelin ‘like Mr. Roboto

Oh, baby, I can’t come down, so, please, come help me out
You got me feelin’ high, and I can’t step off the cloud
And I just can’t get enough

Boy, I think about it every night and day
I’m addicted, wanna jam inside your love
I wouldn’t wanna have it any other way
I’m addicted and I just can’t get enough

(This is mega switch up)
(Switch up)
(Switch up)
I just can’t (switch up)

Sunk in your bed rock
Up in your love shock
Out by your cold shot
I’m stuck in your head li- (switch up)

Can’t get out, won’t when
Makin’ me feign, give it to me
I want it all, know what I mean
Your love is a dose of ecstasy

I can’t get
Away from
I need it
I’m missin’

I want your lovin’ right next to me
And I can’t
Erase ya out of my memory

I just can’t (switch up)Black Eyed Peas – Just Can’t Get Enough – Ouvir Música

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