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Letra Música The Book Is On The Table (feat. JØRD & DJ MP4) – Alok

Hi people
I have a good newest for you
The name is the book is on the table
I’m sorry
I haven’t the tape for you
Everything is on the table
The book is on the table
The dog is on the table
The cat is on the table
The chicken is on the table
And everybody is on the table

The book is on the table
The dog is on the table
The cat is on the table
The chicken is on the table
And everybody is on the

And everybody is on the table
Table, table, table, table, table, table
Table, table, table, table, table, table
Table, table, table, table, table, table

The book is on the table
The woman is on the table
The man is on the table
The child is on the table
And everybody is on the table
Table, table, table, table, table, table
Table, table, table, table, table, table
Table, table, table, table, table, table

I’m sorry
I haven’t the tape for you
Everything is on the table

And everybody is on the table
The dog is on the table
The cat is on the table
The chicken is on the table
And everybody is on the
And everybody is on theAlok – The Book Is On The Table (feat. JØRD & DJ MP4) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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