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Letra Música Too Much Of Heaven – Eiffel 65

Too much of heaven
Can bring you underground
Can always turn around
Too much of heaven
A life and soul hell bound
The killer makes no sound
They’re still talk about money
That’s right and too much of heaven
C’mon my friend

Let me tell you what it’s all about
It’s called money dependence today
And people just keep going on looking at the dollar bill
And nothing else around them
No love, no friendship, nothing else
Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket
Into their bank account
And that’s too much of heaven
Bringing them underground

Let me tell you what it’s all about
It’s called money dependence today
And people just keep going on looking at the dollar bill
And nothing else around them
No love, no friendship, nothing else
Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket
Into their bank account

Too much of heaven
Can bring you underground
Can always turn around
Too much of heaven
A life and soul hell bound
The killer makes no sound

Let me tell you what it’s all about
It’s called money dependence today
And people just keep going on looking at the dollar bill
And nothing else around them
No love, no friendship, nothing else
Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket
Into their bank account
And that’s too much of heaven
Bringing them underground

Let me tell you what it’s all about
It’s called money dependence today
And people just keep going on looking at the dollar bill
And nothing else around them
No love, no friendship, nothing else
Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket
Into their bank account

Too much of heaven
Can bring you underground
Can always turn around
Too much of heaven
A life and soul hell bound
The killer makes no sound

Oh, let me tell you what it’s all about
Too much of heaven bring you underground

Too much of heaven
Can bring you underground
Can always turn around
Too much of heaven
A life and soul hell bound
The killer makes no sound

Eiffel 65 – Too Much Of Heaven – Ouvir Música

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