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Letra Música Lonely in your nightmare – Duran Duran

Even on the darkest night
When empty promise means empty hand
And soldiers coming home
Like shadows turning red
When the lights of hope are fading quickly
Then look to me
I’ll be your homing angel,
I’ll be in your head

Because you’re lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
And there’s heat beneath your winter
Let me in

I see the delta traces living lonely out on the limb
And a passing glimmer warm beneath your skin
Please tread gently on the ground
When all around you earth turns to fire
Only get a second chance when danger’s on the wind

Because you’re lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
Because there’s heat beneath your winter
Let me in
And it’s silent on your stone field
Let me in

Must be lucky weather when you find
The kind of wind that you need
C’mon, show me all the light and shade
That made your name
I know you’ve got it in your head,
I’ve seen that look before
You’ve built your refuge,
Turns you captive all the same

Because you’re lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
And it’s barren in your garden
Let me in
Because there’s heat beneath your winter
Let me in
Because it’s silent in your stone field
Let me in
And you’re lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
Because you’ve waited through your ice age
Let me in

Because you’re so lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
And it’s cold out on your stone range
Let me in
Because there’s heat beneath your winter
Let me in

Duran Duran – Lonely in your nightmare – Ouvir Música

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