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Letra Música San Francisco (You’ve Got Me) – Village People

Folsom Street, on the way to Polk and Castro
You don’t find them finer
Freedom is in the air, yeah
Searching for what we all treasure: Pleasure
Cycles, cycles in the night shining bright
Brightly on nights tell a glory story
Leather, leather, leather, leather baby
Levi’s and T’s are the best now all right
Dress the way you please and put your mind at ease
It’s a city known for its freedom
Cycles shining bright break the silence of the night
Inhibitions, no, you don’t need them, no
San Francisco
City by the Bay yeah
You’ve got me
San Francisco, take me to the water
You’ve got me’got me got me, baby

F0lsom Street on the way to
Freedom, freedom, freedom
Cycles shining bright’
Disco, disco party baby – music that sets you on fire, higher
Say what’s on your mind and spend a little time
Every gesture there has a meaning
Party ‘till the night before the morning light
You may feel your whole body screaming

San Francisco
City by the Bay, yeah
Oh you’ve got me
San Francisco
Take me to the water

Got me, got me, got me baby
Say you got me, love ya love you so, well
Here’s what I want you to do, take me
Take me baby, show me the way
Take me
Take me
Lead me to the water
Well, well, it’s you and me yeah
Show me the way, why don’t you show me the way, show me the way
Come on baby, let’s get it down, down
Ain’t nobody between you and me
Baby baby feel fast and free
Baby baby let’s do hot night
Come on baby let’s you and me swing
Love the way I please, don’t put no chains on me
If you got the time, you could do it
What I need is love, that’s all I’m thinking of
Take me to the Bay, lead me to it, now
San Francisco
Oh, I love ya, yeah

San Francisco
City by the Bay y’all
You’ve got me, got me, got me, baby
Got me, baby
Here’s what I want you to do
Show me, show me the wayVillage People – San Francisco (You’ve Got Me) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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