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Letra Música Go West – Village People

(Together) we will go our way
(Together) we will leave someday
(Together) your hand in my hand
(Together) we will make the plans
(Together) we will fly so high
(Together) tell our friends goodbye
(Together) we will start life new
(Together) this is what we’ll do

(Go west) life is peaceful there
(Go west) lots of open air
(Go west) to begin life new
(Go west) this is what we’ll do

(Go west) sun in winter time
(Go west) we will do just fine
(Go west) where the skies are blue
(Go west) this and more we’ll do

(Together) we will love the beach
(Together) we will learn and teach
(Together) change our pace of life
(Together) we will work and strive

(I love you) I know you love me
(I want you) happy and carefree
(So that’s why) I have no protest
(When you say) you want to go west

(Go west) life is peaceful there
(Go west) lots of open air
(Go west) to begin life new
(Go west) this is what we’ll do

(Go west) sun in winter time
(Go west) we will do just fine
(Go west) where the skies are blue
(Go west) this and more we’ll do

(I know that) there are many ways
(To live there) in the sun or shade
(Together) we will find a place
(To settle] down and live with space

(Without the) busy pace back east,
(The hustling), rustling of the feet,
(I know I’m) ready to leave too,
(Go this is) what we’re going to do,

(Go west) life is peaceful there.
(Go west) lots of open air.
(Go west) to begin life new.
(Go west) this is what we’ll do.

(Go west) sun in winter time.
(Go west) we will do just fine.
(Go west) where the skies are blue
(Go west) this and more we’ll do

(Go west) together together we’ll gone our way
(Go west) together together you lead me the way
(Go west) you begin life new
(Go west) this is what will doVillage People – Go West – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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