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Letra Música Can’t Stop The Music – Village People

Everyone you meet
The children in the street are swaying
To the rhythm
There’s something moving in them
There’s no place to hide
So why even try
Can’t you hear it coming you way it’s here to stay
Music in our walk
Music when we talk
It’s really something magic
To lose it would be tragic
Can’t you feel the sound
Moving through the ground
Music makes the world go around
You can’t stop the music
Nobody can stop the music
Take the cold from the snow
Tell the trees: Don’t grow

Tell the wind: Don’t blow
‘Cause it’s easier no!
You can’t stop the music
Nobody can stop the music
Take the spark from love
Make the rain fall up

Cause that’s easier to do

Moving with the wind
Since the world began the beat is gona get cha’

The beat is gonna get cha’
Music for the blues
For young dancing shoes
There’s music in the way that we kiss
You can’t resist moving through the trees

Buzzing with the bees

The sound is getting louder
The sound is getting louder
Music when we play
When we kneel to pray

There’s music in the sound of the wind

You can’t stop the music

Nobody can stop the music
Take the heat from flame

Try not feeling pain

Though you try in vain

It’s much easier no!
You can’t stop the music

Nobody can stop the music
Change the master plan

Take the hope from man

Cause that’s easier to do

On the radio
On every tv show

For each and every reason

In each and every season
Music when we love
For the moon above

Music for the show of life that never ends

Music on a plane
Music on a train

Sailing on the ocean
Music in the motion

Music in your car
At your local bar

There’s music when you look at a star

You can stop the music
Nobody can stop the music
Keep two lovers apart
Mend a broken heart

Catch a falling star
That’s much easier to do

No! You can stop the music

Nobody can stop the music
Tell the sun: Don’t shine

Stop old father time

‘Cause that’s easier to do

You can stop the music
Nobody can stop the music
Take the cold from the snowVillage People – Can’t Stop The Music – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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