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Letra Música Star Love – Cheryl Lynn

Come with me tonight
All across the universe, we will sail for the skies
Meet behind Mars
We will hold each other as we sail for the stars
On a cosmic bling
We will kiss in Saturn’s ring
Make the Milky Way blush to see the sight
Making star love in the night

I-I’m makin’ love
Star love in the night
I-I-I-I’m makin’ love
Star love in the night

Come with me tonight
All across the universe, we will sail for the skies
Meet behind Mars
We will hold each other as we sail for the stars

On a cosmic bling
We will kiss in Saturn’s ring
Make the Milky Way blush to see the sight
I’m making star love in the night

I’m makin’ love
Star love in the night
I-I-I-I’m makin’ love, love now
Star love in the night, oh

Why don’t you take me in your arms and rocket me, yeah
Take me in your arms and rocket me, yeah (5x)
Take me in your arms and rocket me, baby
Take me in your arms and rocket me

Come with me
All across the universe, we will sail for the skies
Meet behind Mars
We will hold each other as we sail for the stars

On a cosmic bling
We will kiss in Saturn’s ring
Make the Milky Way blush to see the sight
I’m making star love in the night

I’m makin’, baby
Star love in the night
I-I-I-I’m makin’ love, love now
Star love in the night, oh

Why don’t you take me in your arms and rocket me (5x)
Take me in your arms and rocket me
Why don’t you take me in your arms and rocket me (2x)

‘Cause I’m makin’ love now
Star love in the night
Whoa, ho, ho, I’m makin’ love now
Star love in the night

Whoa, ho, ho, I said I’m makin’ love now
Star love in the night
Whoa, ho, ho, I’m makin’ love, love now
Star love in the night

Why don’t you
Why don’t you
Why don’t you, oh, yeah
Why don’t you, you, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you, you, you

‘Cause I’m makin’ love now
Said I’m makin’ love now
Oh, yeah…

I’m makin’ love now (4x)

Star love in the night
I’m making star love in the night (3x)

Why don’t you (2x)Cheryl Lynn – Star Love – Ouvir Música

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