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Letra Música This Is Me (feat. Joe Jonas) – Demi Lovato

I’ve always been the kind of girl

That hid my face

So afraid to tell the world

What I’ve got to say

But I have this dream

Bright inside of me

I’m gonna let it show, it’s time

To let you know, to let you know

This is real, this is me

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, now

Gonna let the light shine on me

Now I’ve found who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

This is me

Do you know what it’s like

To feel so in the dark

To dream about a life

Where you’re the shining star?

Even though it seems

Like it’s too far away

I have to believe in myself

It’s the only way

This is real, this is me

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, now

Gonna let the light shine on me

Now I’ve found who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

This is me

You’re the voice I hear inside my head

The reason that I’m singing

I need to find you, I gotta find you

You’re the missing piece I need

The song inside on me

I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, now

Gonna let the light, shine on me

Now I’ve found who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

(This is me)

You’re the missing piece I need

The song inside of me (this is me)

You’re the voice I hear inside my head (yeah)

The reason that I’m singing

Now I’ve found who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

This is me

Demi Lovato – This Is Me (feat. Joe Jonas) – Ouvir Música

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