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Letra Música On The Rock – Mavado

Baby G
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh (I)
O lawd o lawd (o lawd o lawd)
My name is so excellent
Throughout this earth
Jahovah guide me
Be my guidance
Greater salvation for me
Jahovah guide me
Be my guidance
No they could never stop me

I’m on the rock (I’m on the rock)
Higher than I and I (higher than I and I)
Jehovah guide me
I am on the rock (I am on the rock)

Go tell my enemy
I am on the rock
Selasi guide me
And a me them cyaaa stop
I will never look back

Look how much thing them try (look how much thing them try)
And every thing fail (and every thing fail)
Tru mi born pon the gully
Nuff a try fi tek mi life
And waaa mi go a jail (dem waa mi go a jail)

With helecopter inna the air (helecopter inna the air)
Bright light a shine a grung (bright light a shine a grung)
Dem say nobody move, nobody run
From the river to the bank lock dung
Them nuh know which part mi turn

Cause I was on the rock (on the rock)
Higher than I and I (higher than I and I)
Jehoviah guide me
I’m on the rock

Go tell my enemy
I ‘m on the rock (selasi-I)
Selasi guide me
And mi never look back (emanuel)
A me them cyaaa stop

Music a gal over gun
Tell dem nuh stop the fun
Cause if them stop the fun
Them muss prepare fi stop the gun

The yutes dem blood a run
Dung deh inna the slum
Dem mek a bag a promise and naw fullfill none
Mama cry out
You think dem response how much innocent yute die out
Look how much sell them sell and noweh dem naw buy out
If revolution shoulda start them rich enough can fly out

Jehoviah guide me be my guidance greater salvation for me
Jehoviah guide me be my guidance no they could never stop me

I’m on the rock (I’m on the rock)
Higher than I and I (higher than I)
Jehoviah guide me
I am on the rock (I’m on the rock)
Go tell my enemies (warn them)
Mi nuh gone noweh
Tell them fi change them ways

Jahoviah guide me
Be my guidance (be my guidance)
O lord o lordMavado – On The Rock – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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