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Letra Música You Better Miss Me – Konshens

It after four in the morning
And am so far away from sleeping
Where you are is what am thinking
Are you awake, who you with, what you doing
It’s being all like thins since the moment you were gone
I miss you so much an I hate being alone
So baby if you see me calling on your phone
Give me a ear, show me that you care
You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you
Enough for both of us
You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you enough for me and you

And each an every night
Before I go to sleep
Am praying to the lord
Be this all to keep
And even though you don’t
Wanna hear my name
I give you all my love just the same
It’s being all like thins since the moment you were gone
I miss you so much an I hate being alone
So baby if you see me calling on your phone
Give me a ear, show me that you care

You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you enough for both of us
You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you enough for me and you

It after four in the morning
And am so far away from sleeping
Where you are is what am thinking
Are you awake, who you with, what you doing
It’s being all like thins since the moment you were gone
I miss you so much an I hate being alone
So baby if you see me calling on your phone
Give me a ear, show me that you care

You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you enough for both of us
You better miss me
Because the way I miss you
I would die if you giggle too
You better love me
Cause if you don’t I can love you enough for me and youKonshens – You Better Miss Me – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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