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Letra Música Move Mountains – Alkaline

Two thousands and sixteen
I have a penis for your vagina hole
Mi deh yah fi you whenever you feel alone
Tek mi wallet and everything mi own
Gi you mi heart but mi in charge fi mi soul
And if we left me still a love you fi life
Some likes we and not not nice
All lighter mi and marshall or Shandelle and Kim

Baby feel it squeeze me
We can move mountains, when we a fuk
And bite me nobody else matters when we a fuk
And tease me, hold me close to you
Don’t let me go, when we a fuk

Baby yuh pussy good it mek mi come quick but me nuh shame
Mi love it when you bawl out when you feel the pain
She call me Alka in a real life
But inna a bed Oh God and Oh Jesus mi name
Skinout you hole fi mi stab it again
Mi push it in then me take it out again
Now close your eyes and count to ten
While mi sucky sucky pon yuh nipple dem

Lay down, down down
Nuttin nuh wrong if we fuk pon di ground, ground ground
Mi cocky slowly a go in and out, out out
And I think I came in her mouth
I could have sworn I came in her mouth

Oh feel me squeeze me
We can move mountains, when we a fuk
And bite me nobody else matters when we a fuk
And tease me, hold me close to you
Don’t let me go, when we a fuk

Baby lock off di light dem mek we fuk slowly
Nobody else nuh matter just we only
Plus yuh pum pum feel like heaven
Not even a tear up panty soh holy
Whole a mi frenz know you a mi only
If yuh nuh believe ask Dj Kenny
Or ask Sunshine weh mi tell har bout you when me go Ochi

Lay down, down down
Nuttin nuh wrong if we fuk pon di ground, ground ground
Mi cocky slowly a go in and out, out out
And I think I came in her mouth
I could have sworn I came in her mouth ohhh

Feel me squeeze me
We can move mountains, when we a fuk
And bite me nobody else matters when we a fuk
Tease me, hold me close to you
Don’t let me go, when we a fuk
Mi baby

Lay down, down down
Nuttin’ nuh wrong if we fuk pon di ground, ground ground
Mi cocky slowly a go in and out, out out
And I think I came in her mouth
I could have sworn I came in her mouth ohhAlkaline – Move Mountains – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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