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Letra Música Intermission – Scissor Sisters

When you’re standing on the side of a hill
Feeling like you did to be done
Here it comes
A strawberry spot
Chasing away the sun
Don’t let those precious moments fool you
Happiness is getting you down
A rainbow never smiles a place
It’s just a candy coloured frown

You were going on at half past seven
Now it’s going on a quarter to nine
All the angels want to know
Are you lost or treading water

And you’re going on your fifteenth bender
But you’ve only got a matter of time
Yes we’ve all got seeds to sow
Not everyone’s got lambs to slaughter

When the night wind starts to turn
Into the ocean breeze
And the dew drops sting and burn
Like angry honey bees

That is when you’ll hear this song
Falling from the sky
Whoa, happiness today to all
We were born to die

Sometimes you’re filled with the notion
The afterlife’s a moment away
You want to tell someone the way that you feel
But then you ain’t got nothin to say

You fight for freedom from devotion
A battle that’ll always begin
But somebody giving you piece of advice
By the way you’re living in sin

Now there’s never gonna be an intermission
But there’ll always be a closing night
Never entertain those visions
Lest you may have packed your baggage

First impressions are cheap auditions
Situations are long goodbyes
Truths so often live in doormen
Good luck walks and bullshit flies out

Deathly headlights guide your way
You know the place is right
When the treetops sing and sway
Don’t go to sleep tonight

That is when you’ll see the sign
Luminous and high
Whoa, tomorrow’s not what it used to be
We were born to die

Whoa, happiness today to all
We were born to dieScissor Sisters – Intermission – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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