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Letra Música The Weekend – Michael Gray

I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I’m working, all week long,
I dream the days away,
I wanna… sing my song
so let the music play
I have to get my fix, and fly tonight
and when the clock strikes 6, on Fri-day Night
I need to blow it all away

I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,

I make it… what i can,
I try, I try,
I’m shakin’ up my plan
and I.. feel fine
I’m saving all my soul and all my pain
so i can lose control on Sat-urday
I’m gonna blow it all away
(blow, blow, blow, blow)

I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
for the weekend to begin,

I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,

I got to get my fix, and fly tonight,
and when the clock strikes 6 on Fri-day Night
I’m gonna blow it all away
(blow, blow, blow, blow)

I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I Can’t,
I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
I Can’t,
I Can’t wait.. for the weekend to begin,
(I..i..i..i..i)Michael Gray – The Weekend – Ouvir Música

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