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Letra Música The Feeling – Lost Frequencies

We’re dancing, baby, under open skies
My heart is crazy, it tells me you’re the one
I should run
And the feeling goes on
Yeah, we fly into the night and fight the break of dawn
We’re [sippin’] on our highs, tomorrow we are gone
I should run
And the feeling goes on

And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
Come away tonight, only you and I
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
Come away tonight, only you and I
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes—

I hold on to let go
Lost all my control
Drunk kicks and drunk feelings
I hate that we’re leaving
The way my heart’s beating
I’m loving this freedom, this freedom

Yeah, we fly into the night and fight the break of dawn
We’re [sippin’] on our highs, tomorrow we are gone
I should run
And the feeling goes on

And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
Come away tonight, only you and I
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
Come away tonight, only you and I
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes—

(And the feeling goes on)
(And the feeling goes—)
(And the feeling goes on)

And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
Come away tonight, only you and I
And the feeling goes on, and on, and on
And the feeling goes—Lost Frequencies – The Feeling – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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