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Letra Música Gone (feat. Alexander Stewart) – Lost Frequencies

When I’m gone
You still lead my songs
‘Cause I still need you when I’m gone
You safe in my mind
‘Cause I still need you I-
Well, it’ll definitely hurt me to go
You always hit it with the words that is so
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I-
You never want your demons to show
Better run it from a fear that you know
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I- (need you I-, need you I-, need you I-)
I still need you I- (need you I-, need you I-)
When I’m gone
I still need you I- (need you I-, need you I-)
When I’m-

Away, away I’m hoping
Don’t let your patience fallback
This show, I shocking know
Took all the love I know
I stayed and prayed for all that
I stayed with souls that knew that
Through every night alone
For every scar that showed
You know I’m not into giving time
You know I hate to have to say goodbye
Because I couldn’t even catch the sky
Hope I don’t forget that night

When I’m gone
You still lead my songs
‘Cause I still need you, I’m gone
You safe in my mind
‘Cause I still need you I-
You definitely hurt me before
You always hit it with the words that is so
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I-
You never want your demons to show
Better run it from a fear that you know
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I-

I still need you I- (need you I-, need you I-)
When I’m gone
I still need you I-
‘Cause I need you I-

Ohh, oh, oh
‘Cause I need you I-
Ohh, ohh
But I still need you I-
Say it’s in my-
You say it’s in my mind
But I still need you I-
Say it’s in my-
You say it’s in my mind

When I’m gone
You still lead my songs
‘Cause I still need you
I’m gone
You safe in my mind
‘Cause I still need you I-
You definitely hurt me before
You always hit it with the words that is so
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I-
You never want your demons to show
Better run it from a fear that you know
Hope you never let your life get too low
‘Cause I still need you I-Lost Frequencies – Gone (feat. Alexander Stewart) – Ouvir Música

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