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Letra Música Easy – Ice MC

Easy lyrics
Performed by: ice mc.
It’s just real intelectual muscle (is it, is it?)
If you’re system is wack then you should hear.
Easy, easy
Easy to remember
It’s just real intelectual muscle

(the music is still alittle rough)
Easy, easy
Easy to remember.
(the music is still alittle rough)
It’s just real intelectual muscle

I had to tell you something and i’m gonna amaze
With the super-sonic style the king of the craze
The dj breaks the records that he plays
He wouldn’t like to go back to the early days
Cuz now is the boom all the hiphop started
Everybody wants a chance to get on it
But i’m here already i’m here to remain
So you gotta get freaky and feel the same

If your system is wack then you should hear
Easy to remember
If your system is wack then you should here
Easy to remember

If you ever get the fever you know i know the kind of problems that you got
Can be doses of rage or urge
But if it is an urge watch out your freak don’t rot
Even on the floor when you’re rockin a jam
And if it’s not in your body go home and say dam
Come on freaks just like you use to do it
Jam on the floor don’t worry if they booin

Easy, easy to remember
So easy, easy to remember
It’s just real intelectual muscle
(cuz the music is still alittle rough)
(the music is still alittle rough)
It’s just real intelectual muscle
(the music is still alittle rough)
(the music is still alittle rough)

If you heard of rock and all that junk
But it’s time you started listenin to hard core funk
We got troubled funk the mac james dean
Who went down and devestated music history
But on the other side music has stopped
Whodini and grandflash started to drop
A new kind of style that was real exquisite
Get closer to the speaker and let’s get with it

Easy, easy to remember
So easy, easy, easy to remember
Easy, easy, easy to remember
It’s just real intelectual musle
Easy, so easy to rememberIce MC – Easy – Ouvir Música

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