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Letra Música Somebody Dance With Me – Dj Bobo

I’m back again on a higher stage
Listen to the party beat and get in range
´Cause you know when I flow and I show you so
Which way is better which way you got to go
To make a fun house party all night
You gotta check this out yo da ya di
It’s a party over there with glamours and glares
So dance and move you, pump that body
Move your body up and down
Side to side – it’s party time
Yeah that’s right were dancing tonight
To the sun is coming up and the sky is all bright
Were coming to the end like your understand
That I’m a party man do the best I can
To make you laugh again, now I’m out of the scene
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me

Another time another place
Another rhyme done for every race
In your case I’m getting rough
I’m not gonna stop until you get enough
‘Cause you groove back and bobo is back
And you see it yourself it’s like a heart attack
My rhymes, combination infiltrate
Situation all over the nation
Like round and round upside down
Living my life till your feet are on the ground
Then put your hands up in the air
And wave’em like you just don’t care
And if you’re ready to rock then rock with me
Somebody say oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah auuuu

I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me

Now it’s just the time I think you are with it
So make some room and space just to hit it
Move move that body
A didely didely dae yeah we make the party
To the b to the o to the b to the o
Wanna rock your body wanna rock your soul
What I never ever said I do it better
I just know the time, yes, I’m clever.
The way you had expected we’re having for the end
Party that’s another story for the party man and his clan
So they will come again
Show and improve you, it’s not the end
It’s a jam session my profession
A truly a hard yeah one an obsession
But the joke is over you know what I mean
The party is gone I’m out of the scene

I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
I’ve got this feeling
Somebody dance with me
Somebody dance with me
WowDj Bobo – Somebody Dance With Me – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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