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Letra Música A Man Without Love – Engelbert Humperdinck

I can remember when we walked together
Sharing a love I thought would last forever
Moonlight to show the way, so we can follow
Waiting inside her eyes was my tomorrow
Then something changed her mind, her kisses told me
I had no loving arms to hold me

Every day I wake up
Then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I start out
Then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I wake up
Then I start to break up
Knowing that it’s cloudy above

Every day I start out
Then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

I cannot face this world that’s falling down on me
So if you see my girl, please send her home to me
Tell her about my heart that’s slowly dying
Say I can’t stop myself from crying

Every day I wake up
Then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I start out
Then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I wake up
Then I start to break up
Knowing that it’s cloudy above

Every day I start out
Then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I wake up
Then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love

Every day I start out
Then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without loveEngelbert Humperdinck – A Man Without Love – Ouvir Música

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