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Letra Música Ludens – Bring Me The Horizon

Some resist the future, some refuse the past

Either way, it’s messed up if we can’t unplug the fact

That a world covered in cables was never wired to last

So don’t act so surprised when the program starts to crash

How do I form a connection when we can’t even shake hands?

You’re like a phantom greeting me

We plot in the shadows, hang out in the gallows

Stuck in a loop for eternity

Do you know why the flowers never bloom?

Will you retry or let the pain resume?

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

(A new luden, new luden, yeah)

So come outside, it’s time to see the tide

It’s out of sight but never out of mind

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but soon the sting will pass

But names can dig so many graves you won’t know where to stand

And I don’t feel secure no more unless I’m being followed

And the only way to hide myself is to give ‘em one hell of a show

How do I form a connection when we can’t even shake hands?

You’re like a phantom greeting me

We plot in the shadows, hang out in the gallows

Stuck in a loop for eternity

Do you know why the flowers never bloom?

Will you retry or let the pain resume?

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

(A new luden, new luden, yeah)

So come outside, it’s time to see the tide

It’s out of sight but never out of mind

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

(A new luden, new luden, yeah)

A new leader, new luden, yeah

A new leader, new luden, yeah

A new leader, new luden, yeah


Alright, you call this a connection?

You call this a connection?

You call this a connection? Okay

You call this a connection?

Oh, give me a break

Oh, give me a break

Oh, give me a break, okay

Ugh, oh

Do you know why the flowers never bloom?

Will you retry or let the pain resume?

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

(A new luden, new luden, yeah)

So come outside, it’s time to see the tide

It’s out of sight but never out of mind

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

(A new luden, new luden, yeah)

A new leader, new luden, yeah

A new leader, new luden, yeah

A new leader, new luden, yeah

Do you know why the flowers never bloom?

Will you retry or let the pain resume?

I need a new leader, we need a new luden

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