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Letra Música Hard Days – Brantley Gilbert

You would’ve never learned the words to Amazing Grace

Never felt the chill of a pew when you lost faith

Well, blood, sweat, and tears wouldn’t mean a thing

If you didn’t strike out a couple hundred times

If you never hit rock bottom, never cussed the sky

You would’ve never known to ask the good Lord why

Or ever changed your life

If you never had hard days

If you never had a heartbreak

Never had more than you can take

Or carried the weight

Of life on your shoulders

Would you feel like you earned it?

Would you live with a purpose?

Or ever known your own strength

If you never had hard days?

You wouldn’t know what it’s like to dance in the rain

Never see the silver lining when the skies go grey

You wouldn’t know a dream come true from a few that don’t

You’d never find your way on a broken road

If you never had hard days

If you never had a heartbreak

Never had more than you can take

Or carried the weight

Of life on your shoulders

Would you feel like you earned it?

Would you live with a purpose?

Or ever known your own strength

If you never had

If you never had the downs, the scuffs, the scars, the ruts

And all you put behind you

When the wins, the ups, the rise aboves

Are right there to remind you

If you never had hard days

If you never had a heartbreak

Never had more than you can take

Or carried the weight

Of life on your shoulders

Would it feel like you earned it?

Would you live with a purpose?

Or ever known your own strength

If you never had

If you never had hard days?

Yeah, if you never had hard days

Brantley Gilbert – Hard Days – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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