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Letra Música What’d I Say – Ray Charles

Hey mama, don’t you treat me wrong
Come and love your daddy all night long
All right now, hey, hey, all right
See the girl with the diamond ring
She knows how to shake that thing
All right, now now now, hey hey, hey hey

Tell your mama, tell your pap’
I’m gonna send you back to arkansas
Oh yes, you don’t do right, don’t do right

When you see me in misery
Come on baby, see about me
Now yeah, all right, all right, ohh play it boy

When you see me in misery
Come on baby, see about me
Now yeah, hey hey, all right

See the girl with the red dress on
She can do the birdland all night long
Yeah yeah, what’d I say, allright

Tell me what’d I say
Tell me what’d I say, right now
Tell me what’d I say
Tell me what’d I say right now
Tell me what’d I say
Tell me what’d I say, yeah

I wanna know
Tell me I wanna know, right now
Tell me I wanna know
Tell me I wanna know right now, yeah
Tell me I wanna know
Tell me I wanna know, yeah

Ahh (ahh) ohh (ohh) ah (ah) oh (oh) ah(ah) oh(oh)

Ahh, one more time (Just one more time)
Say it, one more time, right now (Just one more time)
Say it, one more time, now (Just one more time)
Say it, one more time, yeah (Just one more time)
Say it, one more time (Just one more time)
Say it, one more time, yeah (Just one more time)

Ahh (ahh) ohh (ohh) ah (ah) oh (oh) ah(ah) oh(oh)

Ahh! Make me feel so good, yeah (Make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good, now yeah (Make me feel so good)
Woah! Baby (Make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good, yeah (Make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good (Make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good, yeah (Make me feel so good)

Ahh (ahh) ohh (ohh) huh (huh) oh (oh) huh(huh) oh(oh)

Ohhh! It’s all right (baby it’s all right)
Said that it’s all right, right now (baby it’s all right)
Said that it’s all right (baby it’s all right)
Said that it’s all right, yeah (baby it’s all right)
Said that it’s all right (baby it’s all right)
Said that it’s all right (baby it’s all right)

Whoa! Shake that thing now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing now, now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing, right now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)

Whoa! Feel all right now, yeah (Make me feel all right)
Said I feel all right now (Make me feel all right)
Whoooah! (Make me feel all right)
Tell you feel all right (Make me feel all right)
Said feel all right (Make me feel all right)
Baby feel all rightRay Charles – What’d I Say – Ouvir Música

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