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Letra Música Bloody Waters (feat. Ab-Soul & Anderson Paak) – James Blake

Meet the man in the mask
Meet the man in the mask
All those days and all that stays and
I don’t keep it
I won’t be here for it
All those days and all that stays and
I don’t keep it though
I won’t be here for it
Yes Lord, huh
Hail Mary’s in the sky
False prophets get buried alive
Head on the throne ‘cause that’s where I reside (reside)
Ways of the world, the weak won’t survive
Something’s in the water
My nigga we lawless (lawless)
Please move with caution
Who set the fair way? (fair way)
Damn right I need all this (all this)
Yeah Jack I need all this, eyy

Hittas acquitted with fingerprints on the Glock
Screaming we gonna make it like two-thirds of the LOX
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Pow pow, he comes, blah blah

Blood on my hands I’mma need hot agua
You gon’ meet Jamaica I’m won’t say it in Patois
Hope I strike a nerve like a pack of matches
You might wanna bypass this smoke ain’t gas trick
A prince-turned-pope trying to do like kings do
Sweating in chess games try move like kings move
You should slow your roll before you drown in the moat
He tried to channel the balance
But never found the remote
Killers on the prowl still juggin’ off a lick
Stealing with a double for his-
Common politics, everlasting mayhem
Draw the stick for’ your figures that’s how they hang man
So what’s your game plan if you got one?
You aimin’ at passengers with a shotgun? (woah)
The aftermath is you in the scope
It’s warfare, is war fair? (no)
You understand? It’s probably better you don’t
Just keep a dock on standby, charter a boat
Ship set sailing, planes depart
The big picture’s in motion, are you playing your part?
Before the lights get dark and the curtains get closed
Are you playing your role?
As told by an organized criminal
And general get off my genitals I got your general

Hail Mary’s in the sky
False prophets get buried alive
Head on the throne ‘cause that’s where I reside (reside)
Ways of the world, the weak won’t survive
Something’s in the water (the water)
My nigga we lawless (lawless)
Please move with caution
Who set the fair way? (fair way)
Damn right I need all this (all this)
Yeah Jack I need all this

I had to be ‘bout 9 when I first had seen it
Low lows pulled outside of the Ralph’s
After a car show at Dominguez
They had a disagreement, they had to air out
Just another day in Del Amo
Fo’ sho man down, mando
Thank God I never had to knock your partner off
Or be an another casualty of war, Amen
There’s 4 footprints in the sand where I walk
I never claimed to be a saint at all
Four Russians trippin’ with hollow tips
And a kalashnikov, ain’t that ya’ll
No, Soulo hoe, kept it clean
Riding dirty jury would have gave me thirty
Herby love buggin’ out, hit the target blindfolded
Electorial college devoted
To hit the score, to write the score that’s not a metaphor
Raging against the machinery, taping up the scenery
You gotta keep the piece, to keep the peace
Got dough, squad up
And mopped the block up for a cleaning fee

I don’t need you to change
I don’t need you to change yourself (get, get away)
But I’ve got get away (get, get away)
But I’ve got get away, for my health (get, get away)
Be as free as you can
Be as free as you can away from me
I tried to be a saint like everybody elseJames Blake – Bloody Waters (feat. Ab-Soul & Anderson Paak) – Ouvir Música

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