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Letra Música This Land – Gary Clark Jr

Uh, yeah
Paranoid and pissed off
Now that I got the money
Fifty acres and a model A
Right in the middle of Trump country
I told you, there goes a neighborhood
Now Mister Williams ain’t so funny
I see you looking out your window
Can’t wait to call the police on me

Well I know you think I’m up to somethin’
I’m just eating, now we’re still hungry
And this is mine now, legit
I ain’t leavin’ and you can’t take it from me
I remember when you used to tell me

Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from, uh
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
We don’t want, we don’t want your kind
We think you’s a dog born
Fuck you, I’m America’s son
This is where I come from

This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine
This land is mine

Up ‘til the Sun comes up
No, I can’t start grindin’
And I can’t let ‘em break me
No, I can’t let ‘em fire me
You can meet my friend the governor
Only if you wanna try me
Or you can meet my other friend, the judge
Just in case you think I’m lyin’

Well I know you think I’m up to somethin’
I’m just eating, now we’re still hungry
And this is mine now, legit
I ain’t leavin’ and you can’t take it from me
I remember when you used to tell me

Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from, uh
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
We don’t want, we don’t want your kind
We think you’s a dog born
Fuck you, I’m America’s son
This is where I come from

This land is mine, yeah
This land is mine
This land is mine, yeah
This land is mine, yeah

I remember, I remember when they used to tell me

Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from, uh
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
We don’t want, we don’t want your kind
We think you’s a dog born
Fuck you, I’m America’s son
This is where I come from

This land is mine, uh
This land is mine, uh
This land is mine, uh
This land is mine, uh
This land is mine
This land is mine, uh
This land is mine, uh
(This land is mine, yeah)

(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)
(This land is mine, this land is)Gary Clark Jr – This Land – Ouvir Música

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