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Letra Música The Life – Gary Clark Jr

I can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting by
Can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting high
Well, I wake up
Around ten in the morning
Feeling crazy, feeling horny
From the night before cause I was up
Till four in the morning plus some
So I take long trip
And then I take out my song scripts
When I sit down to write
I always look to God to help me see the light

But I know, that I ain’t even livin’ right
And I know, that I can’t live by the night
But it’s so hard for me just to put it down
So hard for me to pass up the crown
When it’s been passed down
I’m sitting on the throne
Sometimes I feel in this world I’ve just been thrown
Not been showing it, and I don’t know
When to slow it down

I can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting by
Can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting high

But this is the life, life, life, life
The life
This is the life, life, the life, life, the life
This is the life, life, the life, life, the life
They tell me it’s the life, life, the life, life, the life

Once again, I hit the hot spot with my so-called friends
Then I hit the atm and then realize I ain’t got no ends
Then I call up my kin, hey, my money going
I’m standing at the bar but the drinks quit flowing
Strap for gas sitting on the block
Drunk as hell tryna ‘void the damn cops
And this is how it is sometimes when you fall off track
Like when your record’s stretched and you try to run it back

But sometimes the stretch got to deep an impact
It makes it so hard for you not to look back
Regretting things you did in the past
I wake up in the morning tell myself it won’t last
But I tend to get another glass, then I
Start to act just like an ass, then I

I can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting by
Can’t go on like this
Knowing that I’m just getting highGary Clark Jr – The Life – Ouvir Música

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