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Letra Música Soul Of A Man – Blind Willie Johnson

Won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
Want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?
I’m going to ask the question, please answer if you can
If anybody here can tell me, tell what is the soul of a man?

Won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
Want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?

I’ve traveled in different countries, I’ve traveled till foreign lands
I’ve found nobody to tell me, tell me what about the soul of a man

Won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
Want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?

I saw a crowd stand talking, I just came up in time
Was teaching the lawyers, the doctors, well a man ain’t nothing but his mind

Won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
I Want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?

I read the bible often, I tries to read it right
As far as I can understand, a man is more than his mind

God, won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
Want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?

When Christ stood in the temple, the people all stood amazed
Was teaching the lawyers, the doctors, how to raise a man from the grave

Well, won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can!
I want somebody to tell me, tell me what is the soul of a man?Blind Willie Johnson – Soul Of A Man – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

Transmissão televisiva via internet gera nova cobrança de direito autoral

*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Jus Brasil

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