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Blue Bird (English Version)

You say if you could fly
You’d never want to come back down
That you’d only have eyes
For that, for that, blue, blue sky

I know that you have to learn just what real sadness is
And you are just grasping now, the meaning of pain inside
Even the feeling I have for you deep in my heart
Must be expressed in words that I can’t find

As you awake, from deepest dream
Into this world, you’ve never seen
I know you’ll spread your wing and take
Off to the sky

You say if you could fly
You’d never want to come back down
That you’d only have eyes
For that, for that, blue, blue sky

If you can make it through
I know you’ll find what you’re seeking
Keep trying to break free
To that, to that, blue, blue sky
To that, to that, blue, blue sky
Oh that, oh that, clear blue sky


And with a sound in the long time abandoned ruin
The crystal panes between us, they fell away into dust
That cage you once were within is now gone to the past
Not turning back you walk away with me

That throbbing beat, so breathlessly
Calling you on, to go and see
The window opens and you find
That you are free

You say if you could run
You’d never stop ‘till you found it
That you’d always move on
Following that clear distant song

It grips you from afar
A shining hand of the future
You will pursue that dream
To that, to that, clear blue sky


I understand that you
Has fallen in the dark
But still you will, continue on
To follow the light in your heart

You say if you could fly
You’d never want to come back down
That you’d only have eyes
For that, for that, blue, blue sky

If you can make it through
I know you’ll find what you’re seeking
Keep trying to break free
To that, to that, blue, blue sky
To that, to that, blue, blue sky
Oh that, oh that, clear blue sky

Artista: Naruto
Canal no Youtube: Naruto

Blue Bird (English Version) – Naruto

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