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Letra Música Success Is The Best Revenge – Blood On The Dance Floor

I’m a killer
A chiller
A bonafied thriller
Open you up
Like a bottle of miller
Drink but don’t hate
Kiss and just taste
Got it burning like heat
With the omfg
What the fuck
Bitch please
You can get on both knees
That’s the only time your good for me
Lick it up
Suck it down
Stomp your heart
Into the ground
Fall apart
And start to drown
I’m the elite
With the crown
Pre chorus:

They would kill to see me fall
Because I have it all


Fuck fuck fuck you
And all your bullshit
Fuck fuck fuck you and all your drama bitch

Just fuck you
Success is the best revenge

Verse 2:

Here we are back on top
Here we are we’ll never stop
We stand; indestructible
Defeating us? impossible!
Posting blogs
Mock; you do
Replace the “FUCK”
Talk your trash
You make me laugh
We have the thing
You wish you had
Let it sink in
Here We are
Back again
Harder faster
Better longer
Push us down
We get stronger
Doesn’t matter
What we do
Raise our glass
Now Here’s to you


Glad that you think we give a fuck
Cuz if you do
Sorry cunt
Your out of luck
Here we are living it up
And where are you?
That’s what I thought.

Hate me
Or shake me
You’ll never fucking break me

Build a damn bridge & get the fuck over yourself
Bitch! LOL

Blood On The Dance Floor – Success Is The Best Revenge – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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