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Letra Música TURPENTINE – blink-182

Soaked your clothes in kerosene

Cleanse the mind of ketamine

Slide your mom on top of me

Wash yourself with turpentine

My arms, I’ve raised again

Today I don’t feel bitter

I have no path within

Don’t know if I’ll get better

My own mind’s unclean

Can’t taste anything

What if I’m not like the others?

A broken man, a frankenstein

What if my heart won’t recover?

I’ll clean myself with turpentine

Working at the factory

Stick the veins of nicotine

Wash yourself with turpentine

I feel like I’ll cave in

I’m anxious, I am weathered

I’ve lost my way again

I know there ain’t no treasure

My mind breaks with ease

Sticks and stones and dreams

What if I’m not like the others?

A broken man, a frankenstein

What if my heart won’t recover?

I’ll clean myself with turpentine

Working at the factory

Stick the veins of nicotine

Wash yourself with turpentine

Sharks smell the blood in the water

We’re all just lambs to the slaughter

It’s only all the time this time

A generation lost and forgotten

Clawing at the lid of the coffin

Your God ain’t coming back this time

Quit your job and have a drink

Take a pound of ecstasy

Blah, bl-blah, bl-blah, fuck

Wash yourself with turpentine

What if I’m not like the others?

A broken man, a frankenstein

What if my heart won’t recover?

I’ll clean myself with turpentine

Lift me like the trampoline

Stick your dick in ovaltine

Snort a bag of dramamine

Dust yourself in gasoline

Throw up in a limousine

Jack off to a magazine

Wash yourself with turpentine (goddammit)

blink-182 – TURPENTINE – Ouvir Música

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