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Letra Música The Seed – AURORA

Just like the seed
I don’t know where to go
Through dirt and shadow, I grow
I’m reaching light through the struggle
Just like the seed
I’m chasing the wonder
I unravel myself
All in slow motion

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no
Oh, no

Suffocate me
So my tears can be rain
I will water the ground where I stand
So the flowers can grow back again

‘Cause just like the seed
Everything wants to live
We are burning our fingers
But we learn and forgive, ah

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no
Oh, no

Feed me sunlight, feed me air
(In a place where nothing matters)
Feed me truth and feed me prayer
(Dancing around a shooting star)
(And every cell remembers what have taken us this far)
Feed me sunlight, feed me air
(I see images of killer whales)
Feed me truth and feed me prayers
(Sleeping in a desert trail)
(Dreaming of a parallel world where nothing ever hurts)
(Dreaming of a parallel world where nothing ever hurts)

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no

You cannot eat money, oh, no
You cannot eat money, oh, no
When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money, oh, no
Oh, no

AURORA – The Seed – Ouvir Música

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