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Letra Música Fire And The Thud – Arctic Monkeys

You showed me my tomorrow
Beside a box of matches
A welcomed threatening stir
My hopes of being stolen
Might just ring true
Depends who you prefer

But if it’s true you’re gonna run away
Tell me where
I’ll meet you there

Am I snapping the excitement
If I pack away the laughter
And tell you how it feels?

And does burden come to meet ya
If I’ve questions of the feature that rolls on your dream reel?

The day after you stole my heart
Everything I touched told me it would be better shared with you

And now you’re hiding in my soup
And this book reveals your face
And you’re splashing in my eyelids
As the concentration continually breaks

I did request the mark you cast
Didn’t heal as fast
I hear your voice in silences
Will the teasing of the fire be followed by the thud?

In the jostling crowd
You’re not allowed to tell the truth
And the photobooth’s a liar!
There is sharpened explanation
But there’s no screaming reason to enquire
I’d like to poke them in their prying eyes with things they’d never see if it smacks them in their temples

Arctic Monkeys – Fire And The Thud – Ouvir Música

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