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Letra Música Don’t Delete The Kisses – Wolf Alice

I see the signs of a lifetime, you ‘til I die
And I’m swiftly out, Irish goodbye
What if it’s not meant for me?
What if it’s not meant for me?

I’d like to get to know you
I’d like to take you out
We’d go to the Hail Mary
And afterwards make out
Instead I’m typing you a message
That I know I’ll never send
Rewriting old excuses
Delete the kisses at the end
When I see you, the whole world reduces
To just that room
And then I remember and I’m shy
That gossip’s eye will look too soon
And then I’m trapped, overthinking
And yeah, probably self-doubt
You tell me to get over it
And to take you out
But I can’t, I’m too scared
And there’s the night-bus, I have to go
And the doors are closing and you were waving
And I like you, and I’ll never let it show
And you won’t wait and maybe I won’t mind
I work better on my own
And now I’m, well, a bit drunk
And I ask myself

What if it’s not meant for me?
What if it’s not meant for me?

A few days pass since I last saw you
And you have taken over my mind
I’m re-telling jokes you made that made me laugh
Pretending that they’re mine
I wanna tell the whole world about you
I think that that’s a sign
I’m losing self control and it’s you
It really is, one thousand times
I look at your picture and I smile
How awful’s that? I’m like a teenage girl
I might as well write all over my notebook
That you rock my world!
But you do, you really do
You’ve turned me upside down
And that’s okay, I’ll let it happen
‘Cause I like having you around
I’m eletric, a romantic cliche
Yeah, they really are all true
When we catch eyes at that stupid party
I know exactly what to do
I’ll take your hand, and we will leave
French exit for me and you
And now I’m home, a little bit drunk
Some things don’t change
And I know now

Me and you were meant to be
In love
Me and you were meant to be
In love
Me and you

I see the signs of a lifetime, you ‘til I dieWolf Alice – Don’t Delete The Kisses – Ouvir Música

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