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Letra Música & – Tally Hall

Love of the sun
Came back again to make it clear that
He never said it would meet demand

Shame on a martyr, claiming friends from
Either perspective of and

Weak and strong and
Wet and dry and
Right and wrong and
Live and die and
Sane and gone and
Love and not and
All the ands that we forgot so

Sing while you hear it, don’t deny it
Leave if you can’t stand the thought of it

Come back again to make things stand with
No disrespect to the and

High and low and
New and old and
Stop and go and
Hot and cold and
John and Yoko
Dark and light
It’s almost time to say goodnight to it

They took a lesson from their fathers
Told them that they were the same command

Wait for the minds to make complete
Their lies stuck beside every and

Words and numbers
Sound and silence
Stop the peace and
Keep the violence
No and yes and
We digress
It lives with sad and happiness
Oh God

Big bad Betty of the ‘pocalypse
She opens her lips and it goes like this
When the golden rule and the jungle meet
There’ll be nothing to love and there’ll be no one to beat

Oh, the things we know, the things we don’t
Oh, the things we think, we can’t, will and won’t
We’re loathed together and nothing’s left
We’re all together and they’re all bereft

Capitalist, communist
You did the hokey pokey and it went like this
You hate each other and you love yourselves
It might be heaven and it might be hell

Oh, the things we do, the things we say
Oh, the things we wish we could wash awayTally Hall – & – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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