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Letra Música Baby Blue – Surfaces

(She’s got that what?)
She’s got that baby blue
Eyes you can sink into
Heatwaves in Malibu
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)
She’s got that baby blue, and I got plans for two
Hope we can rendezvous
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)
She’s got that
Smile like you wouldn’t believe, sweeter than cold iced tea
I just wanna take two, polaroid the next few
Throw it up on my fridge, got me spending all my time
And she’s worth every dime, I just wanna let loose
Take in all of this view, soaking up all her shine
I, I was hoping we’d be more than just friends
Ah, it’s like an ocean and she’s pulling me in

(She’s got that what?)
She’s got that baby blue
Eyes you can sink into
Heatwaves in Malibu
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)
She’s got that baby blue, and I got plans for two
Hope we can rendezvous
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)

She’s got that
Buenos Aires in summertime, I’ll be tryna get away sometimes
And she’s a vacay for my mind, almost every night, from nine to five
Don’t want this dream to ever end, so she won’t ever leave my head

(She’s got that what?)
She’s got that baby blue
Eyes you can sink into
Heatwaves in Malibu
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)
She’s got that baby blue, and I got plans for two
Hope we can rendezvous
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)

She’s got that baby blue
Eyes you can sink into
Heatwaves in Malibu
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)
She’s got that baby blue, and I got plans for two
Hope we can rendezvous
She’s got that (wait), she’s got that (huh?)Surfaces – Baby Blue – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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