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Letra Música So Young – Portugal The Man

So young, just begun
Don’t need to live to know
What I’ve become
When ya wake up
Still in your make-up
You’ll make it home just
Fine, without breaking down
Man, that’s so young
That’s so young

Stay calm, we’ll all just get along
Sit around pretending like nothing’s wrong
So long, love letter
But you and I are gonna live forever

I don’t need to make amends
But I’m done going undercover
I just want to find a friend
I don’t need another lover
One day the world may end
But there’s still plenty to discover
Till then I’ll just pretend
I don’t need another lover

So young, loaded gun
Oblivious to what the trigger does
Will ya wake up?
Never gonna make up
Got ammunition on a mission
We’re gonna shoot you down

Man, that’s so young
That’s so young

Knocked out with the Midas touch
A champion wearing golden gloves
Got you punch drunk, seeing stars
Little birdies singing: Why’d ya fall so hard?

I don’t need to make amends
But I’m done going undercover
I just want to find a friend
I don’t need another lover
One day the world may end
But there’s still plenty to discover
Till then I’ll just pretend
I don’t need another lover

My light burning bright
Everlong till the thrill is gone
Love’s my battle cry
It’s never wrong
How I stay so strong
I’ll fight all my life
I’m all like I can’t go on
When I can’t go on
We’re gonna live forever
We’re gonna live forever

I don’t need to make amends
But I’m done going undercover
I just want to find a friend
I don’t need another lover
Today the world will end
You never know we may recover
In the time left to pretend
I don’t need another lover

Oooh, it’s troubling
When the belly of the beast starts rumbling
Oooh, it’s getting too hot
Like it’s summer in the city that we’re living in
Oooh, it’s troubling
When the belly of the beast starts rumbling
Oooh, it’s getting too hot
Like it’s summer in the city that we’re living inPortugal The Man – So Young – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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