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Letra Música Sober – Lorde

Night, midnight, lose my mind
Night, midnight, lose my mind
Night, midnight, lose my mind
(When you get to my high
When you get to my)
Night, midnight
Oh, God, I’m clean out of air in my lungs
It’s all gone
Played it so nonchalant
It’s time we danced with the truth
Move alone with the truth

Ooh (hey)
We’re sleeping through all the days
I’m acting like I don’t see
Every ribbon you used to tie yourself to me

But my hips have missed your hips
So, let’s get to know the kicks
Will you sway with me?
Go astray with me?
(Ah ha)

We’re King and Queen of the weekend
Ain’t a pill that could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
When you dream with a fever

Bet you wish you could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
These are the games of the weekend
We pretend that we just don’t care
But we care

(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
When you dream with a fever
Bet you wish you could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)

Oh, God, I’m closing my teeth
Around this liquor-wet lime
Midnight, lose my mind
I know you’re feeling it too
Can we keep up with the ruse?

Ah ah (hey)
B-bodies all through my house
I know this story by heart
Jack and Jill get fucked up and possessive
When it get dark

But my hips have missed your hips
So, let’s get to know the kicks
Will you sway with me?
Go astray with me?
(Ah ha)

We’re King and Queen of the Weekend
Ain’t a pill that could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
When you dream with a fever

Bet you wish you could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
These are the games of the weekend
We pretend that we just don’t care

But we care
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)
When you dream with a fever
Bet you wish you could touch our rush
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)

Midnight, we’re fading
‘Til daylight, we’re jaded
We know that it’s over
In the morning, you’ll be dancing with all the heartache
And the treason, the fantasies of leaving
But we know that, when it’s over

In the morning, you’ll be dancing with us
(Midnight, lose my mind, midnight, lose my mind)
Oh, dancing with us, oh, dancing with us
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)

Oh, you’ll be dancing with us
(Can you feel it? Can you feel it?)
Dancing with us, us
(But what will we do when we’re sober?)

When you get to my high
(Midnight, lose my mind)
When you get to my
(Midnight, lose my mind)Lorde – Sober – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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